
21st Century Education Blogs

Below are 3 blogs that I've found useful when researching 21st century teaching and learning.

The Tech4Learning blog offers a number of informative posts about how to change our teaching and learning to incorporate the ideals of 21st century education. This article in particular discusses the intersection of past and present teaching, and how all classrooms can move forward. Instructional strategies, pedagogies, tools, and other thoughts on 21st century practices are featured on this website. This website is promoting its own software in certain posts, however, many others contain information relevant to all teachers. Project-based learning, online collaboration, and differentiation are all common topics on this blog.

The P21 offers an extensive collection of education blog posts on 21st century learning. This “blogazine”, as they refer to it, contains posts on Blended Learning, project-based learning, differentiation and classroom practices. This post in particular focuses on key elements of 21st century instruction. P21 suggests a framework for 21st Century Learning, which balances old and new foci for learning into one comprehensive plan.

Of the many blogs by Education Week, I found Education Futures quite useful for learning about 21st century education. Among articles on educational technology, opinions on news related to education, there are a number of posts on tools, guides, and ideas for bringing education into the 21st century.

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