
Green Screen Filming in the Classroom

Green screens offer a chance for students to elevate their video recordings by adding background elements and scenery. Far from requiring complicated software and high-tech cameras, green screen recording can easily be brought into your classroom using apps.

Step 1: Pick a green screen app

There are a number of green screen apps out there, and many are free! I personally use VeeScope Live, the free version, as this was the app I was introduced to during my teaching practicum - there may be other ones out there!

These apps simply require you to point, press, and film! While there are options to change various settings, many of the apps are set to be useable right away. VeeScope comes with an introductory video and a ‘Help’ button in case you run into problems.

Step 2: Find a solid coloured wall/fabric

Notice that I didn’t say green! If you don’t happen to have a swath of green fabric handy, these apps allow you to easily change the colour of the background you wish to remove. As long as you have a solid colour, you can change what you remove by the click of a button. VeeScope also has a setting for filming in front of a projector screen, which you’re much more likely to have in your class!

Make sure that your students aren’t wearing the same colour as the background however, or you’ll find that their clothes end up having the background on them as well!

You will be prompted to pick a picture from your camera roll, or from the preset backgrounds, to replace the solid colour. I had students select photos from the internet, which I downloaded onto my iPad.

Step 3: Lights, Camera, Action

Once your students are ready to perform, have your filming station set up with your recording device. I found that my grade 5 class was able to handle recording without much supervision. I did keep an eye on their progress, and ended up setting a time limit for the filming area. I gave each group 5 minutes to film, and asked them to keep all of their takes. They chose the best one at the end of time limit, and deleted the rest to make space.

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