
Letter to Parents: Internet Safety

September 2015

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

Welcome to Mr. Smith’s grade 5 classroom at Brock Elementary School!

As our class begins our education journey this year, the grade 5 team and I would like to take this time to share our goal for this term and for our policies regarding technology use in the classroom.

As part of our commitment to integrating technology into our classrooms, we will be using iPads throughout the year. Our students will frequently be using the internet and digital tools to learn, to communicate and to engage in assignments. Among others, this will include blogging (through the school board’s portal), Twitter (through a school account) and Youtube (through a school account). While many of these tools will be only for academic use, students will have access to their blogs at home and are free to post content that interests them, provided that it meets our policy guidelines.

All students and staff are required to agree with the board’s user policy when using information technology in schools. A link to the policy can be found here: We ask that you please review the policy so that you are familiar with the expectations for acceptable use of these tools.

As part of our unit on digital citizenship, our students will be discussing privacy, online safety and the appropriate use of digital tools. In addition to the board’s policy on technology use (see above), we will be setting age-appropriate boundaries in our classroom’s technology agreement. A copy of this will be posted on our class blog.

We encourage you to discuss online safety and the use of these tools at home with your student(s). Creating a consistent approach to internet safety at both school and home will help our students adjust to using digital tools wisely.

Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to working with you this year!

- Mr. Smith and the grade 5 team

Brock Elementary

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