
Teaching Internet Safety

As with all technological tools, students must learn about how to use social media wisely. While the ability to connect with others around the world is exciting, issues of privacy, bullying, and access to inappropriate content require attention. As we discuss the benefits of social media with our students, and how we can use it appropriately at school and at home, understanding the pitfalls

Digital Citizenship Journey

Explicitly discussing social media in the classroom, and modeling safe practices, is essential. Undergoing a digital citizenship “journey” together, as part of a healthy living unit, would introduce students to the many different elements of internet safety. Setting up a social media account from the ground up, e.g. reviewing privacy settings, making a safe password, considering what information to share, etc., would highlight the importance of each of these steps. A lesson on the idea of the digital footprint, and the idea that once something posted, it can’t be returned, is essential.

Classroom Agreement

During my first practicum, I modelled my digital citizenship lessons on the Common Sense Media curriculum. During this process, we made a class agreement about our online interactions, set boundaries for the use of social media, and discussed what we would do if we thought someone was not upholding our agreement. I found this was an important step, as inevitably issues did arise, and I was able to frame my discussion with those students around what we had discussed. The idea of internet safety and what is inappropriate may seem abstract, but relating these events to discussions we had made the concept clearer.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing real experiences Cam. Modeling digital citizenship is so important. And I will add..that it isn't about DIGITAL citizenship, but about Citizenship. Behaviour, Attitude and actions can be recorded and documented by anyone at anytime. Kids need to know that it isn't just about their online behaviour, but about their behaviour off line as well.
